European Researchers’ Night 2021: Izmir (Turkey)

LiFi: A green technology for wireless Access

Event Name: GREEN NIGHT: LiFi: A green technology for wireless Access
Description: The seminar that presents LiFi, an alternative eco-friendly communication technology.
Date and Time: 24 July 2021, 16:30-17:15
Speakers: Bismillah Nasir Ashfaq, Daniel K. Tettey, and Khadijeh Ali Mahmoodi (Özyeğin University)


GREEN NIGHT project brings together four of the ten higher education institutions in Izmir, Turkey as well as the provincial directorate of national education. The consortium represents the scientific research ecosystem and educational management in Izmir. The HEIs cooperate in local, national and international research projects, joint social responsibility campaign and activities all of which create strong institutional linkages between HEI partners. IZMEM, being the highest local public body responsible for the coordination of educational activities in pre-primary, primary and secondary level in Izmir, brings the public educational expertise into the project.

The night activities will be carried out in four campuses around the city, each with its general theme selected from the main topics. Scientists and researchers from a wide range of disciplines will be able to create workshops, seminars, demonstrations, hands-on experiments, games, competitions, shows, or simulations.

This year, the events will take place on Friday 24, September 2021. The European Researchers’ Night events in Izmir will take place at Yaşar University, Ege University, Izmir Institute of Technology and Izmir Katip Çelebi University on September 24th as both online and face-to-face events.

All activities during the event is free and open to everyone!

Link to the online event


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