The Sustainable Development Goals are the model to follow to have a better future, adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015 as a universal call to action to end the poverty, inequality, climate change and ad other problems and to protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by […]
Category Archives: NEWS
European Researchers’ Night: Madrid
Educational talk (demo) about sustainable technology (creation of wireless devices without need for batteries) Due to the ever-increasing usage of wireless communication systems and the uptake of Internet of Things (IoT), the carbon footprint caused by communication keeps increasing. Battery disposal causes harm to the environment, and, as the number of IoT grows, replacing the […]
Science and Innovation Week 2020: Green Light for the Earth
Educational talk (demo) about sustainable technology (creation of wireless devices without need for batteries) Due to the ever-increasing usage of wireless communication systems and the uptake of Internet of Things (IoT), the carbon footprint caused by communication keeps increasing. Battery disposal causes harm to the environment, and, as the number of IoT grows, replacing the […]
Event 3 – Elevator Pitch Videos
The event 3 of ENLIGHT’EM included a Training on Entrepreneurship, organized by LightBee and Velmenni. Due to the current travel restrictions, the event was hold virtual and counted with the participation of all the ESRs. The sessions lasted 2 days (14-15 September) and the ESRs received training on the following subjects: Creating a SME on […]
LIoT – Video presentations ready!
The intersection of the Internet of Things and Li-Fi technology holds great promise and poses formidable challenges. The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to share early-stage ideas and results on how to leverage the huge potential of Li-Fi and the underlying Visible Light Communication technology in the […]
ENLIGHT’EM project has participated in Science is Wonderful 2020. This year, the exhibition has been fully online to reach out to more European citizens than ever. The event took place from 22 to 24 September as part of the second edition of the European Research and Innovation Days, which will bring together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs […]
OpenVLC 1.3 fully open source!
OpenVLC is an open-source, flexible and low-cost Visible Light Communication System platform. Research and development is coordinated by the Pervasive Wireless Systems group of Dr. Giustiniano at IMDEA Networks Institute, but anyone is welcome to contribute. OpenVLC can achieve a throughput of 400 kb/s at the Transport Layer at a distance of more than 4 meter, powered simply by the BeagleBone Black. Now the OpenVLC 1.3 […]
Training Event 2 – Videos
On the 20-21 of July, the Training Event 2 has taken place, held as an online session. This training about Research Skills, organized by IMDEA Networks and The University of Edinburgh, was divided in 2 morning sessions, the first one about Research Organization and Personal Management, and the second one focused on Transversal Research Skills […]
Training Event 2 held online
On the 20-21 of July, the Training Event 2 has taken place, held as an online session. This training about Research Skills, organized by IMDEA Networks and The University of Edinburgh, was divided in 2 morning sessions, the first one about Research Organization and Personal Management, and the second one focused on Transversal Research Skills […]
Science is Wonderful!
ENLIGHT’EM Project has been selected to be part of the 2020 edition of Science is Wonderful. The event received more than 200 eligible applications of excellent quality, but the number of projects selected was, however, limited to 40. This shows what a competitive process it was and how much interest it generated among our fellows […]